What are Heartwarmers Videos?
Videos by heartwarmers are planned and produced expressly for people like our aging parents or grandparents and others who may live in a nursing home, assisted living facility or attend a senior day-center as well as active adults in senior groups and the like.
As you know, a number of these folks can no longer travel, participate in sports, shop extensively or even enjoy their gourmet favorites. However, most still enjoy singing or listening to their favorite songs, reminiscing and clean old-time humor. Many folks also enjoy old-time hymn favorites and meditating on familiar scripture. These are the foundation blocks of heartwarmers video programming except for our Pure Fun DVDs, which do not include hymns or anything devotional.
Singing is particularly healthful, both physically and mentally,. With heartwarmers, videos, you have singing and remembrance whenever and just about anywhere it is desired.
Unique graphics
Our format makes singing particularly easy to follow on the video screen... which is challengingly small for older eyes. We display only one phrase at a time, in large, light colored letters, against a dark, uncluttered background where it is easily seen, never just across the bottom of the picture (see Sing-Along Graphic Samples). Rather than show musicians or senior audiences, heartwarmers uses an old-time picture show format (as shown in our samples).We utilize thirty clear voices on the tape to "sing with you". Small groups and even room-bound persons automatically join-in with these voices.